
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m going to be real about one of the biggest obstacles in my life the few weeks leading up to launch. Lies. Constantly circling around my head. For the past few weeks, lies and fears from the enemy have flooded my mind. 


Am I good enough for this?


I don’t  know enough.


What if it’s not safe?


There’s so much I’m leaving behind.


I’m not qualified.


What if something happens while I’m gone?


These are just some of the thoughts that seemed as if they were on a tract in the back of my head. I kept dismissing these thoughts, pushing them away as if they weren’t happening.


About a week out from launch, one of my dear friends asked “Lindsay how are you feeling about leaving soon?”


That question filled me with anxiety. Do I tell her the truth? Or will it make me seem ungrateful for this opportunity? TOTAL LIE. Then it hit me. I had been under the lies and fears from Satan and was letting him be the loudest voice in my head. And I never addressed it. 


How on earth did it take me THIS long to recognize this. The enemy comes only to kill, steal, and destroy so no wonder he has been filling my head with these lies. Things can’t stay in the dark when they are brought to the light. All it took was simply explaining these fears to my friend. I started analyzing what had been going through my head over the past few weeks one by one. “That’s not from the Lord” “That’s not what scripture says about that” “That is nothing but a lie”. 


Wow, what a game changer that has been. It’s literally as simple as analyzing the thought. “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:5. Literally it was as simple as taking my thoughts captive and counteracting them with scripture


I want to challenge you to actually think about your thoughts. I didn’t realize how much the enemy had a strong hold on me until I started analyzing them. When I challenged my thoughts with scripture, I was freed from the anxiety that was rooted in the lies.